Download HyperCam 3.3

nah. kali ini lagi lagi mimin akan mengepost Software tentang HyperCam. tapi versi Inggris kawan [kan sekalian belajar bahasa Inggris sobat semua] hahaha. walau agag rancu sobat. ok. and now. you can read this Software and you can download this Software free. If you've ever wanted to make a screencast showing people how to do something, or just video what's happening on your screen, you'll need a screen capture tool like HyperCam. Simply install the application and you can start recording a portion or all of the action on your screen. There are record and play buttons on the HyperCam interface, of you can activate it via configurable hotkeys. Depending on what you need, you can specify a framerate, and highlight mouse clicks with a flash in the recorded video.
While HyperCam does do what it claims, it's not a very well designed program. You may find that video you record plays back at double the speed it should, without reason. Sound recording is also unreliable - on our Windows 7 systems, we were unable to record any sound, from music players, video files or browser video. We also found HyperCam to be a little unstable, and were disappointed that the default installation process doesn't put the app in your standard Program Files folder.
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*maaf sobat bahasa agag rancu. wajar sobat persaga. manusia kan tidak lupu dari kerancuan :D

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